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by Rashida Bartley When we hear cannabis and mindfulness, one may automatically think of “stoner” culture. People zoning out, eating munchies, having long random conversations about unrelated topics, playing video games and not contributing to society. Whoa, the judgments are long. Those tropes can be put to rest by saying – regardless if you’re a consumer of cannabis all of those tropes can transverse any culture and furthermore aren’t always a bad thing in moderation and for some can actually be a lucrative profession, like gaming culture. Which many laughed at back in the day but we shall digress. Back to cannabis...

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The holiday season is upon us and with everything that has happened in 2020 there is nothing like a thoughtful gift to lift the spirits of those closest to us. What’s a better gift than one that can help with everyday wellness and luxury? To help you find the perfect slice of luxury for the connoisseurs in your life we’d like to introduce our holiday gift picks, a weekly series that we hope will guide you through the holiday season and beyond. Beauty So let’s start with beauty! Whether we’ve been locked down or we’re planning for a re-emergence after...

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